When playing baccarat, after the initial deal of two cards to the player and two cards to the banker, if neither party has reach a total of eight or nine, then depending on the total of the player’s hand, a subsequent third-card deal may be required. The following page details the baccarat rules which need to be followed when neither hand totals are anything other than eight or nine.
Player Rules
Taking in to account first is always the player’s hand total:
- The player side is dealt a third card if the initial hand totals between 0-5.
- The player side does not take another card if the initial two-card hand total is six or seven.
- The player’s hand requires no additional cards if the points total after the first two cards is eight or nine (a natural win, or a tie if the banker’s hand also total eight or nine points).
If the player’s hand remains at two cards, the banker’s hand then follows the same rules as the player: the banker will only draw a third card if its hand total is between 0-5, and will stand if the hand totals six or seven (and of course eight or nine, as well). The more complex banker rules come in to play if the player does draw a third card. The banker’s next move is subsequently dependent on what the player’s third card is:
Banker Rules
Te following banker rules apply when the player has been dealt a third card:
- If player draws a two or three as a third card, the banker draws a third card when its two-card total is between 0-4, and stands with a total of 5-7.
- If player draws a four or five as a third card, banker draws a third card when its total lies between 0-5, and stands with the total of six or seven.
- If the player side draws a six or seven as a third card, the banker if forced to draw with a total between 0-6, and stand with a total of seven.
- If the player draws an eight as a third card, the banker will draw a third card only with a two-card total between zero and two, and will stand with a 3-7 two-card total.
- Finally, if the player draws a nine, 10, face card or an Ace as a third card, banker must draw when its total is from 0-3, and must stand when the total is 4-7.
After all cards have been dealt, the winning side is determined by which total is closer to nine. All bets are paid out, and the coup begins over again.
You can find all these rules at our trusted online casinos within the specific baccarat game you are playing. Some of our highest quality gaming sites include:
- Royal Vegas Casino
- Casino-Mate
- Thrills Casino
- G’day Casino
- Guts Casino
Each of the above websites are licensed and regulated and use the highest level of digital encryption technology to ensure financial transactions (real money deposits and withdrawals) are protected.
My one question about Baccarat with a third card dealt to the Player. Reading above, “If the Player Side draws a Six or a Seven as a Third Card, the Banker IF Forced to draw with a total between 0-6 and Stands with a 7”. I see this is the only spot where the word IF is used. Does this mean if the player draws a third card of a 6 and let’s say they had a 5 for the first 2 Cards, making it now a 1 and If the Banker had a 6 after the First 2 Cards (Banker is over the 0-5 mandatory draw) , if the Banker has the lead after the Player has the third card dealt and they now have a 1 , does the Banker then Stand and Wins 1 to 6 (Banker 6 Win) or does the Banker still have to draw a Third Card? If the Banker does have to draw a Third Card, then what is the “IF” being used for when the Player’s Third Card is a Six or a Seven. ?? It’s the only scenario I’m Not Sure about. I don’t see “IF” used in any of the other scenarios. ?
Thank You for any response.
I just left the above comment / question on the Third Card Rule for Baccarat. I’m playing the game at Home and I was waiting for a hand to happen that I would need clarification on. So, these are the Hands; First Cards Player 3 , Banker Ace 1 , Second Cards, Player 7 (Player Total 0 ) , Banker 4 (Banker Total 5 ) , THIRD CARD(s), Player 9 (Player Total 9 ) , Banker has a 5 (Rules say Banker is dealt a Third Card 0-5 , BUT in the Third Card Rules it says If the Player is dealt his Third Card and it is a Nine, Ten, Face Card or Ace, then Banker ONLY is dealt a third card if Banker has 0-3 (Banker has a 5) So, is it Correct that the Player dealt a third Card and Player Total is 9 and Banker stays at 2 Cards with Banker Total 5 , So Player Wins 9
OR Do you go by the First Rule I read, Both Player & Banker are dealt a Third Card if they have 0-5 . If so, I’m now dealing the Banker the third card, it is a 7 making Banker Total 2 and Player still Wins with a 9 , but if that Third Banker card was a 4 , it would’ve been Tied 9 and a different outcome to the game.
So, Reading these 2 different scenarios, Should the Banker have stayed on 2 Cards with Player 9 Win or should Banker have been dealt a Third Card and Player 9 Win.
Which of the 2 scenarios was Correct?
I left the last 2 comments, I have another scenario of another game I just dealt.
First Cards, Player Jack ( 0 ) , Banker Jack ( 0 ), Second Cards, Player Jack ( 0 ) Player 2 Card Total 0 , Bank 4 , Banker 2 Card Total 4.
Third Card(s) Player Ace ( 1 ) , Player 3 Card Total 1 . Now Reading your Above Rules for Both Player & Banker 2 Cards equal 0-5 they both are Dealt a Third Card. So in this case Banker is dealt a Third Card which is a Nine , Banker Total is 3 , Banker Win 1 – 3 , Banker Win on 3 .
But Reading your Third Card Rule with this same Game, Player third card was an Ace ( 1 ) making Player Total 1 . In the Third Card Rules , If Player is dealt a Third Card Nine, Ten, Face Card or Ace, THEN Banker is dealt a Third Card only if Banker after 2 Cards is 0-3 , in this case the Banker has a 4 after 2 Cards. So, do they stand at 4 ? If so, then the Result is Player 1 , Banker 4 , Banker Won on 4 .
In the first scenario, Banker Won on 3 , Two different Outcomes. Which one is correct ??
Hello, 1 more scenario I am curious if this is correct.
First Cards; Player 7 , Banker Ten ( 0 )
Second Cards; Player 8 (Player 2 Card Total – Player 5 ), Banker 3 (Banker 2 Card Total – Banker 3 ) So, Player 5 , Banker 3
THIRD CARD(s) Player 8 (Player Total 3 )
Banker Total 3 (Player’s third card was an 8 , so Banker only dealt a third card with 0-2 , Banker had a 3 , Banker doesn’t get a third card. Game Result
Player 3 , Banker 3 – Tied 3